Workspace layouts

If you want to restore the saved Engage Process Modeler layouts just press the Workspace layout button in the Workspace group on the View tab and select an item from the drop-down menu that appears.





By selecting the Saved workspace item you will restore the custom layout saved using Save workspace button (see Saving workspace).


Moreover, there are four predefined layouts

By selecting the Classic layout you will restore the default classic layout.
The Workshop layout is meant for process mapping during a workshop. It consists only from Diagram, Remarks and Description panes (the Properties and Project panes are pinned there).
The Standard layout offers more space for the Diagram panes showing only Project, Description, Remarks and Properties panes.
The Analysis layout shows only the Diagram and Properties panes.


You can load one of the predefined layouts, modify it and save it as your own custom layout. Then, it will be used each time you open the tool again.