Moving graphical components

The following graphical components of a process step in the diagram are automatically moved together with its step icon keeping the relative distance between them unchanged:

Step name
Step number/tag and roles (together as one label)
Input documents balloon
Output documents balloon


You can rearrange the relative positions of these components in the design mode. Click on a graphical component, drag it to another location and drop it there. Click the Snap to grid button to switch it on if you want the Engage Process Modeler to adjust automatically the moved component to the underlying grid.

By moving a component you changed the relative distance between it and the corresponding step. If you move e.g., a step name far to the left and then the step itself also to the left then it might happen that this name component falls outside the left border of the diagram pane and becomes invisible. To keep the graphical components always within the diagram pane the relative distance is automatically shortened in such a case.

Conditions and frequencies (for a Choice and Decision) and labels (for a Parallel) decorate the outgoing lines rather than the steps. Since they are more related to the destination than to the source step they are automatically moved when a  the arrow head of the outgoing connection is moved.  You can change the relative position of these components as well.

Other graphical components related to a step can not be rearranged. They are always automatically moved when the step icon is moved (for example, Risk point marker, Description and Remarks indicators).