Moving a process step

Select the process step that you want to move. Drag the process step to the process step in front of which you want to move the step.




If you drag a process step that is a root of a process subtree onto a Stop, Exit or Sink step a question will appear. Answer ‘No’ if you want to drag one process step only.



If you move a Choice or Parallel step then all its branches except the first one are moved as well.


If you move a Begin of expanded subprocess (phase, service) step then the whole expanded subprocess (phase, service) is moved.



You cannot drag a step that you cannot delete (see Delete process step).


You cannot drop a step in place where you cannot insert (see Insert process step).


Moving an activity step in the swim lane view have different result (see Drag and drop in swim lane view).


If you press the <Ctrl> key while dropping a step a copy of the step will be created.