Delete process step

To delete a process step just select it in the Diagram pane and press the DeleteButton button in the Actions group on the Home tab.


Alternatives :

Right mouse click on one of the process steps. A pop-up menu will appear. Select Delete.
Select the step and press the <Del> key.


You can delete neither Start, Entry nor Sink steps. However, you can delete the Start representing an entry point.


Deleting of a Parallel with an associated Join results in deletion of the Join step as well.


Deleting of a Begin of expanded subprocess (service, phase) results in deletion of the whole expanded subprocess (service, phase).


Deletion a Go to step converts it back into Stop, Sink or Exit step. Deletion of a Go to step inside an expanded sub-process or service transforms this step into the End of expanded subprocess (service, phase).


Deletion of an Exit step or an End of expanded subprocess (service, phase) step converts it into Stop step. Thus, you can delete neither the last Exit step in the diagram nor the main End of expanded subprocess step (the one that connects to the expanded subprocess to the rest of the diagram)


If a step is a destination of an entry point step or an entry point branch then it cannot be deleted (first the entry point step or branch must be removed or redirected to another step). As a consequence you cannot delete any subprocess that contains a step being a destination of an entry point neither any choice/decision with a branch containing such a step.