Global type table items (S)

When you select a table in the Tables part of the Tables management tool its content appears on the bottom part of the window. There is always an empty row where you can start typing the properties of the next item.




Type the name of the new item in the Name box. (While entering a new item you must start from its name.) At the moment you move focus to another box, a new empty row will be created automatically for the next item.

Each table item has the Name and Description properties. Moreover, the document table item has the URL property, all other items have the Cost/hour property (except the items of a type that has the Item properties scope only)



You can enter a formatted text in the description field in the same way as for in the process step description field.


If there are extra properties defined for the custom type then you will see them between Cost/hour and Description.





If you change a name of a table item it will be automatically renamed in all projects where it is linked.

Use the magnifying glass button next to the URL text box to test the url that is inside it. The url will be open in a separate browser window.

Use the cloud button to upload a document to the cloud storage of Engage Process. You will see this button only if your subscription contains the Upload module.

Use the trash bin button at the beginning of each row to delete the corresponding table item. The deleted item will automatically disappear from all projects where it was linked. This operation is irreversible. Thus, the following question will be asked:





If you entered an item in a wrong table you can easily move it to another table.