Filtering by step properties

You can filter a diagram not only by step types but also by step properties. The following properties are taken into account:

Value added
Custom types (local and global)


Before the diagram filter dialog is open, there is a check on what of these properties are really used in the process diagram. Then, only the used properties are shown.





On the dialog above, you can see that only the role Manager is used in the diagram.

By default, nothing is selected in the Roles part. This means that the filtering on the Roles property is not applies at all. You will get the same result if you select all check boxes in the Roles part. This means that the filter is applied but nothing is filtered out.

If only the Manager is checked then tasks without the role Manager will be filtered out. If only (no value) is checked then all tasks with role Manager will be filtered out.

Although the Decision steps also have the Roles property they are never filter out.

In the example below, all three Value Added property values are used, two custom values of the type City and three Roles.

