Evaluate selected path (P)

You can specify your own path(s) through the process to evaluate only this part. This can be done by pressing the Select path button in the Evaluation group of the Analysis tab. If a Stop step was selected at the moment of pressing the button then all steps belonging to the path from any Start to this stop are marked. otherwise all steps of the process are marked as selected.


Now, you can define your path by removing some steps from the already selected path. The set of steps that you can remove is dynamic and depends on what you have already removed. The steps that you can actually click to add to or remove from the path are marked additionally by a dotted frame.


Click on one of those steps while pressing <Ctrl> key. The step becomes unmarked and probably some other steps around are now unmarked too. This is because the marked set of steps must always compose a continuous path from the begin to an end. You can add an unmarked step back to the path by clicking it again with the <Ctrl> key pressed.


Once the path is marked you can evaluate it. When performing an evaluation of a specific path, the process will be considered to be made of this path only. By selecting an individual process step, you will find the results for this step. Process steps not belonging to the selected path will not have any results.


You cannot edit the structure of the process when the path is marked. Press Select Path button again to remove the marking and to return to the editing mode.


If your process has subprocesses, services or phases containing stops then these modules must be expanded first so that all stops of the process are visible on the main level. Engage Process Modeler will do it for you when you click the Select Path button. The following question will appear:

