Designing a process

Each time you change something in the set of steps in the process diagram (by inserting, pasting, deleting or moving steps) Engage Process Modeler recalculates the actual positions of all steps to draw a nice compact graph.

You can adjust the process diagram arrangement that is automatically generated by the Engage Process Modeler using the Design tab. When you select this tab the background of the process diagram is enriched with a grid both to facilitate the positioning of the diagram components and to distinguish the design mode from the mapping mode.

You can do almost the same actions in the design mode as in the mapping mode but few operations are different. In particular, you cannot change the order of steps in the process by dragging and dropping them in the required position. Now, this functionality is used to rearrange positions of the diagram components.

In the design mode, you can:

Rearrange position of a step or selection of steps
Move, resize and create new graphical components
Reshape lines