Recognizing data type

The following rules are applied when the types of columns are determined on the CSV import file.


1. Columns with all values fitting to one of the following formats:

"dd-MM-yy", "dd-MM-yyyy", "dd-M-yy", "dd-M-yyyy",

"dd/MM/yy", "dd/MM/yyyy", "dd/M/yy", "dd/M/yyyy",

"MM/dd/yy", "MM/dd/yyyy", "M/dd/yy", "M/dd/yyyy",

"MM-dd-yy", "MM-dd-yyyy", "M-dd-yy", "M-dd-yyyy",

"yyyy-MM-dd", "yyyy/MM/dd"

are recognized as Date.


2. Columns with all values fitting to one of the following formats:

"hh:mm", "hh:mm:ss", "h:m", "h:m:s", "HH:mm", "HH:mm:ss", "H:m", "H:m:s", "H:mm", "h:mm tt"

are recognized as Time.


3. Columns with all values fitting to one of the formats mentioned in p.1. combined with one of the formats mentioned in p.2 are recognized as DateTime.


4. Columns containing the following values only:

"0", "1",

"yes", "no", "ja", "nee", "true", "false",

"Yes", "No", "Ja", "Nee", "True", "False",

"YES", "NO", "JA", "NEE", "TRUE", "FALSE"

are recognized as Boolean.


5. Columns containing integer numbers only are recognized as Number.

6. Columns containing only texts that fit to the set of values of one of the enumeration field are recognized as this type of Enumeration.

7. All other columns are recognized as Text.


Moreover, columns recognized as Boolean, Number or Enumeration are also recognized as Text, so they can also be mapped to text fields. Columns recognized as Date or DateTime cannot be mapped to text fields.