Filtering by user

Every teamboard may have at most one field of the User type that triggers notification emails. This field is used both in work items and tasks to specify a person who is responsible for the work that must be done. It is assumed that this person must have also access to the teamboard, at least to read it. The name of  this special User field (Owner or Assigned to in the templates) is used to specify a separate user filter. To easily see who has to do what for work items and tasks press the combo box with this name on the top of the view. If you do not see this type of filter it means that your teamboard does not have this special type of the User field.




The default value for this filter is All.

Select Me to view all work items and tasks assigned to you.

Select Unassigned to view all work items and tasks where this property is unassigned.

Select another user to view all work items and tasks assigned only to this user.


Use complex filter to filter on other fields of type User.