Configuring board cards

To configure cards for a particular view select it in the combo box on top of the Views page of the Board configuration dialog.




You will see a list of cards on the left hand side, one card for each work item type and one for a task (if present).

Select the card you want to configure. In the middle you will see a list of all fields of the selected work item type or task. Check the fields that you want to see on the card, uncheck the fields that you want to remove from the card. The title field must always be selected here.

Notice that the size of a card for Combined kanban board and Task board is limited because they both are showing cards in a grid. In case you select too much fields for these boards you will get the warning:



If you select a field in the middle list then its presentation properties appear on the right hand side. You can decide here about the following:

if the field on a card is read only or writable; this applies only to fields that the value you can change; however, the title field is never writable on a card.
maximum lines of the long text fields shown on the card.
positioning of the value and its caption in one line of a card, the following placement is possible:


Only value inline means that value does not occupy separate line but is appended to the value of the previous line.