Submitting notes from smartphone apps (P)

There is a possibility to submit a note to a brainstorm diagram either from a smartphone or from another computer.

Download the Engage Brainstorm application for smartphones (iPhone, Windows Phone 8 and Android versions are available) or use the following link

to open an html page.


In order to accept notes from external sources the Brainstorm session must be created in the Engage Process Modeler. This is done by pressing the Start session button that is shown in the top right corner of the brainstorm diagram pane.




As a result the 6-character Brainstorm session id appears in the top right corner of the Brainstorm diagram:




Enter this session id in the Engage Brainstorm application or in the html page. You can also optionally enter your name. It will appear on the top of each note you will submit.





From now on you can type the text of a new note and submit it to the Brainstorm diagram.




The new notes appear on the top right side of the brainstorm diagram few seconds after being submitted. Then the Engage Process Modeler user can move them and update in the same way as the other notes.


Press the button with the session number again to finish the session. The session id disappears from the screen and the submitted notes will be not accepted anymore.


Only one brainstorm diagram can have an active session at a moment.


Using Engage Brainstorm application you can prepare your notes in advance and submit them at the moment the session id is known. Use the Add button to add new note to the list on you phone, the Select button to select notes, the Delete button to delete the selected notes from the list, and the Submit button to submit the selected notes to the Brainstorm diagram that has an active session.