Show comments (S)

Press Show comments button in the Comments group of the Comments tab to show the Comments pane. The Comments pane will show comments for the selected diagram.

Press Show comments button again to hide the Comments pane. You can also show and hide this pane using the Show Window button.


The set of comments shown in the Comments pane depends on your selection.



First, in the Show combo box, you can decide if you want to see All comments for a given diagram or only comments Under review. The latter set of comments contains all comments that are relevant for the currently developed version of the diagram and depends on the comments state. It includes:

all new comments for this diagram - they require your acceptation or rejection;
all already accepted comments for this diagram - they require implementation;
all comments rejected when the currently published/shared version of this diagram was available - so you will see what was recently rejected (you can still change your mind and accept these comments);
all comments marked as implemented when the currently published/shared version of this diagram was available - so you will see what was implemented but is not live yet (you can still change the status of these comment to accepted).



Once comments are loaded they are presented in the Comments pane. Now, you can sort and filter them.


By default comments are sorted by the creation Date. You can also sort them by the author's name (From), by the comment State, or by the referred Step number.  .


Press the filter button in the top left corner of the Comments pane. A new line with filters will appear (press this button again to hide this line):




You can filter the set of comments by:

process step (only for process diagrams)
comment's author name
comment's status
commented version number
commented environment (published or shared)


Press the 'red circle' button on the left-hand side to see comments made only to the currently selected process step. Press it again to see all loaded comments. This button is visible only for process diagrams.


Press the State filter and check only those states that you want to see



Similarly, press the From filter and check only those author names that you want to see. Notice that this filter is taking into account both comments and reactions. So, if you have a comment made by the user A and a reaction on it made by the user B, then this comment will be hidden only if both A and B are filtered out.


Press the Version filter to show only the comments made for specific version(s). The shared and published versions will be additionally marked in parentheses to facilitate your choice.



The two buttons on the right-hand side are used to filter on the comments made to published and/or shared versions. Initially, both categories of comments are shown. Press the 'book' button to filter out the comments made to published versions and the 'share' button to filter out the comments made to shared versions. Press them again to remove the filter.


You define these filters per diagram, so if you select another diagram you will have different filter. You can also open a previous version of a diagram in Engage Process Modeler. If you select it, then only the comments made for this particular version will be shown in the Comments pane.