Multiple select

You can select more than one process step by pressing <Ctrl>, <Shift> or <Ctrl>+<Shift> while clicking another step. If <Shift> is pressed and there is a path between the step being selected and the previously selected step then all steps between these two steps will be also selected.


You can also draw a box over the steps selecting, in this way, all the steps that fall inside the box. Just click a white space and drag the cursor over the steps you want to select.


When you select more than one process step then the Properties pane or the Mini property editor will show only the properties that are common for all selected steps. If the value of the property is the same for all the selected steps then it will also be shown in the window otherwise the value will be empty.


You can use the multiple selection for three purposes:


To delete, cut, copy or move the selected part.
To change the value of the common property (for example to assign the same role to all selected tasks).
To extract a subprocess


The part of a process diagram that can be cut, copy or moved is supposed to be inserted in another place of the same or another diagram in front of a process step or at one of the process branch ends. Thus, the steps in this part must be connected and the part must have exactly one entry point and at most one exit point. Moreover, it should be allowed to delete the entry step and the part must fully contain expanded subprocesses (phases, service).


For the delete operation, the set of selected steps must consist of one or more connected parts and it must be possible to delete each of these parts separately.