Images (S)

An image is a rectangle shape filled with a picture. To create an image shape press the Image button in the Insert group. The following dialog will appear:




The list of images is the common list of images added by all users of the organization. If you miss an image you can add one and it will be available for all other users. Press the Add button and upload one of your png, jpg or jpeg files. (Notice that you cannot remove an image from this list).

Then, select the image for the shape and press OK.


Initially, an image is put into a square shape. You can then resize it and move it. If you want the shape to show the original image with its proper aspect ratio select the shape and press the Lock aspect ratio button in the Properties pane.  Use the Change image button from there to change the image of the shape.


You can type a text on top of the image. Just double click the image shape and start typing.