Global type tables (S)

In order to create a new global table select its type, press the New table button in the Tables pane of the Tables management tool, type its unique name and press OK.

Use the Rename table button to rename the selected global table. The global table will be automatically renamed in all projects where it is linked.


Use Copy table button to copy and save a table under different name. All items of the copied table will have the same names as the items in the original table. This operation may be useful if, by checking Show table name in front of item names within the table checkbox in the Project setting. you decide to treat items with the same name in different tables as different items. The consequence of this setting is explained in the Prefixing global items paragraph.


Use the Delete table button to delete the selected global table.


Use the Export table button to export the content of the selected table to a file in the CSV format.

Use the Import table button to import the content of a file in the CSV format.

Use the Move items button to move selected items from one table to another table of the same type.

Use the Change table usage button to change usage of the selected role table.