Export comments (S)

To export comments press the Export comments button from the Export group of the Comments tab. The export wizard is started and following dialog appears.




You can select Microsoft Word, PDF or  Microsoft Excel file format. If no diagram is currently open only Export to Excel Worksheets is enabled. This is because you can export comments of only one (currently selected) diagram to MS Word or PDF but you can export comments of many diagrams to MS Excel.

Export to PDF file and Export to a Word document are also disabled if the currently selected diagram does not have any comments.

Click the required format. If you have selected MS Word or PDF you will be asked to specify the Page size.



Press Finish and wait until the file is created on the server and then downloaded by your browser.

Press Previous to go back to the file format selection.

If you have selected MS Excel you will be asked to specify the set of diagrams.



Current diagram only is disabled if no diagram is currently open. Select the required set of diagrams to be exported and press Next.

You will be asked to decide if all diagrams must be on one page or on many pages.


Press Finish and wait until the file is created on the server and then downloaded by your browser. Notice that there will be no page created for diagrams that do not have comments.


Export to MS Word and PDF will create a text document with the diagram name and the content of the Comments pane where all comments are automatically expanded to show all reactions of them. (In the example below, OK is a reaction on I miss second entry point comment.)




Export to Excel will create a table with properties of all comments and reactions.



This table contains some extra columns with data that is not explicitly presented in the Comments pane. These are Process step number, author's Email and Comment number. The last one is added to present the comments structure. In the example above, the comment number 1.1. is a first level reaction on the comment number 1.