Deleting authorized users/groups (S)

The last user in the User manager role cannot be deleted, because there should always be a member of the team who can manage the others.

A similar rule applies to users and groups in the the Engage Process Suite edition concerning the authorization. Every project, folder and diagram must have at least one user who has the full control over it. Thus, you cannot delete a user or a group that is the last one having the Read and Authorize rights on certain element. If this is the case the following message appears:




The message contains a detailed list of authorized elements where the user/group is the only one with the Authorize right. Only the highest authorized element is mentioned there. So, the project 'B' on the list above means that the user has the Authorize right for the project but he can also be the only one who has the Authorize right for the folders or diagrams in it.


The transfer of rights can be done by the user that is to be deleted in Engage Process Modeler by giving another user(s) or group(s) the Authorize right to all the elements that he is authorized for. This, however, could be not possible if the user is not available anymore.


Thus, the transfer of rights can also be done by the user manager himself by copying all the rights of the deleted user/group to another user/group in one simple operation.


Select a user and press Copy authorization button (this button is only available in Engage Process Suite edition):





The following dialog appears:




Initially the selected user is also selected in the User/group combo box (user 1 in this case). Choose another user or group from the combo box (say user 2) and press OK. The individual rights of the user 2 will be extended with all individual rights of the selected user 1. In particular, the user 2 can authorized elements that the user 1 could. So, the user 1 can be deleted now.

If both users belong to the same groups then, from now on, the user 2 can do the same with the elements as the user 1 could do. If thy do not belong to the same groups their inherited rights can be different. The user manager can fix this by adding the user 2 to the missing groups.


The Copy authorization operation can be useful when a user stops working for the organization. Notice that his operation is not undoable. In order to revert its effect the user 2 must manually remove the added rights in the Engage Process Modeler..

If a group is the only one that have rights for certain element then this group cannot be deleted but it can be emptied. Then, no user can access that element. This situation can always be fixed by the user manager by adding a user to this group or by copying the group's rights to another user.


You can select multiple user and then press Copy authorization to copy authorizations of all of them in one go to the selected user/group.