Rename, delete, cut, copy and paste a project element

To rename or delete an element of a project select it in the Project pane and press the RenameButton or DeleteButton button in the Actions group on the Home tab, respectively.


To cut or copy a process, a brainstorm or a folder select it in the Project pane and press the Cut or Copy button in the Actions group on the Home tab (you cannot cut or copy a role or document).




Tables, Roles and Documents folders are system folders and cannot be renamed, deleted, cut or copied.


If you cut an element it is only marked as cut with a small scissors icon.


It is not immediately deleted. It is removed from its current position only when you paste it somewhere else. This means that cut-paste operation only moves an element, so all its modification history is still available.

However, when you cut a diagram or folder in one project and then paste it into another one then it is really deleted form the original project and copied to another project.


Rename, delete and paste operations can be undone. However, if you delete a role or a document it will also disappear from all the open processes.The Undo operation will recreate a role or document but the references to it within open processes will not be recreated.


To paste a copied element click the desired place in the Project pane and then press the Paste button in the Actions group of the Home tab.

If you copy a folder it will be pasted with all embedded folders, brainstorms and processes.


If you copy process diagrams from another project it may happen that roles, documents and/or custom items used in this process are not present in the destination project. In that case, Engage Process Modeler will automatically add all missing items to the destination project.



Right mouse click an element in the Project pane and select Rename, Cut, Copy, Paste or Delete.
To rename an opened diagram double click the tab in which the diagram is open.


If you delete a diagram and then close the embedding project the deletion cannot be undone anymore. However, the diagram is not deleted permanently and can be still undeleted by a user manager.


If you try to delete a diagram that is already shared you will get the following warning:




You cannot delete a diagram that is already published. Such a diagram must be unpublished first by a publisher. However, If you are a publisher yourself you can both unpublish and delete a diagram. In this case, you will get the following question:

