Decreasing the number of segments

In some situations, you can also decrease the number of segments of a line. If a line becomes too complex as a result of moving its ending steps you can just double-click it in order to make it simpler. If the ending steps of the line are in the same row or in the same column then a straight line will be created. Otherwise, a Z-shaped line will be created between steps. You can easily convert the Z-shaped to an L-shaped line by moving its middle segment.

DecreasingNumberOfSegments1                   DecreasingNumberOfSegments2

In the example above, double-clicking a line connecting the Manual and the Choice converts it into a straight line, and double-clicking a line between the Manual and the Stop converts it into a Z-shape line.

A segment can also be removed as a result of dragging another segment. When two segments of a line are too close to each other they are automatically reduced to one segment. If a segment becomes very short then it is automatically removed and the neighboring segments are glued together. Consider the following line:


If you drag downwards the middle point of the central segment of this line then, at a certain moment, the length of the both adjoining vertical segments will become so small that they will be removed and the remaining three segments will be glued together into one.

Similarly, if you drag one of the vertical segments in the direction of the other one then at a certain moment the length of the middle segment will become so small that it will disappear together with the both vertical segment and the remaining two horizontal segments will be glued into one.