Creating parallel start branches

By default each process starts as one thread only. Using Parallel steps you can split this thread into many sub-threads. You can also specify that a start of execution of a process initiates two or more parallel threads.  We only require that these threads eventually join somewhere in the process.

To create another starting thread of a process select a process step where the new parallel thread should join with the rest of the process and press the Parallel start button in the Insert steps group of the Home tab.




An empty parallel entry branch is drawn below the main process. The Go to join step that appears at the end of this branch cannot be deleted. It points to a Join step that was automatically inserted in front of the selected step. The Start icon of the parallel branch as well as the original main branch is now decorated with a small Parallel icon. This is done to distinguish the parallel starts from the alternative entry points.


You cannot delete a Join step pointed by a parallel entry branch. It will be automatically removed when you delete the parallel entry branch itself.


You can create a parallel start branch joining with another parallel start branch:




The parallel start branches are drawn one below the other in the order of their creation.

You can create a parallel start inside neither a subprocess (phase, service) diagram nor in an expanded subprocess (phase, service).

You cannot create a parallel start if a process already has entry points.


You can only join a parallel start branch to a process step that is always executed independently of the decisions made in the preceding choices. This is to assure that the parallel threads will always join.


In the example above, you can join a parallel start branch in front of the Manual task but you cannot do this in front of the Computer one because the main thread can stop before it reaches the Computer step.