Changing approver groups members (E)

To change the Approver group members select this group in the Users & groups tab, and click the Add / Remove button behind Members in the right hand side pane or select a user that you want to add to or remove from this group and click the Add / Remove button behind Groups.

You cannot remove the last member of the Approver group. You will get the following warning:




If there are processes currently waiting for approval by approvers belonging to the selected group then the newly added users will be automatically added to the designated approvers of this process. The following warning will appear:




If there are processes currently waiting for approval by approvers belonging to the selected group the removed users will be automatically removed from the list of the designated approvers of these processes. The following warning will appear:




If all approvers designated to approve a process have already approved it except the one(s) that is(are) going to be removed from the Approver group then this process becomes automatically approved. This means that if you want to exchange approvers inside a group you must first add the new one(s) and then remove the old one(s) or add and remove them in one go to avoid the automatic approval.